Microsoft 365 for business Rugby
PolyTech IT > Microsoft 365 for business Rugby
Reimagine the way you work in Rugby
Explore how Microsoft 365 business with Microsoft Teams can enable your {{mpg-title}} team to collaborate, keep your data secure and enable remote work all while reducing costs.
We can manage, implement and secure your Microsoft 365.
We have the ability to support Business, Education and even Charities with Microsoft 365 business, while offering the exact same pricing as Microsoft.
Contact us today so that we can enable your business to have cutting edge technology.
What to expect
- Use, share, and collaborate on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files within Microsoft Teams.
- Easily access your files from anywhere, using Sharepoint and Onedrive.
- Connect with customers and coworkers using Outlook and Exchange.
- Full setup of 365 according to your requirements
- Support for the system